Health insurance FAQs

When it comes to health insurance and choosing your plan for the year, most people have lots of questions. It is an important decision and much depends on getting it right. Many factors need to be considered if you don’t want to end up with coverage that just isn’t right. At Arial Insurance Group in Chicago, IL, we have 30 years of experience helping clients to find the correct insurance for their needs. 

How do I know if my doctor takes the health insurance I am considering? 

All carriers have networks of providers and you need to go online to their website and check to make sure your doctor is in the network for the plan you are considering. Another option is to call your doctor’s office and ask them. You can also call the carrier to double-check. 

Who should have a high deductible plan?

A high deductible plan is good for you if you don’t have a serious illness and need ongoing care. It also works well in combination with an HSA that allows you to save tax-free for your out-of-pocket medical expenses. 

Can I see a provider out of network?

You can always see a provider outside of your network. The correct question is will my insurance pay if I visit a provider outside of my network. The answer is, it depends on the type of health insurance plan you have. If it is an HMO, no, you won’t be covered for an out-of-network provider. If you have a PPO or a POS you will have more options for going out of your network. 

What is a copay?

A copay is the portion of a service that your insurance covers. Most services require a copay. 

Contact Arial Insurance Group in Chicago, IL when you need to discuss your health insurance needs. 

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